Friday, 25 December 2015

Contoh Ungkapan dan Dialog Expression Pleasure and Displeasure

Rekan-rekan semua, pernahkah kalian ingin mengungkapkan sesuatu yang menyenangkan atau tidak menyenangkan atas sesuatu di kehidupan sehari-hari dalam bahasa inggris? Kali ini admin akan memberikan contoh expression of pleasure (ungkapan kesenangan tas sesuatu ) dan expression of displeasure ( ungkapan tidak senang atas sesuatu) serta penjelasannya. Semoga artikel ini dapat membantu J

1.      Saying Someone is Pleased
(Ungkapan seseorang yang merasa senang)
a.         Great !
b.         Fantastic!
c.         That’s wonderful!
d.        How marvelous!
e.         It is awesome
f.          I’m very happy
g.         I’m very pleased …
h.         I’m delighted …
i.           It gives me pleasure

Contoh :
a.       I'm delighted that you can come to my house
(saya sangat senang, kamu dapat datang ke rumah saya)
b.      We're so pleased that you're able to come to the wedding  
(kami sangat senang, kamu dapat dating ke pesta pernikahan)

2.      Saying That Someone is Displeased
(Ungkapan seseorang yang merasa tidak senang)
a.       Oh no! , Oh dear!
b.      What a nuisance
c.       I really hate …
d.      It really makes me angry
e.       I’m very annoyed
f.       I can’t stand …
g.      I’m fed up with …

Contoh :
a.    I'm fed up with my job
(saya bosan dengan pekerjaan saya)
b.      It 's such a nuisance having to rewrite those letters.
(ini sangat susah untuk menulis ulang surat itu)

Kosa kata :
displeased : tidak senang
nuisance : mengganggu/menyusahkan
hate : benci
angry : marah
annoyed : mengganggu
fed up : muak
marvelous : bagus sekali
Great :bagus
Delighted : gembira
Awesome : mengagumkan / mempesona

Dialog Bahasa Inggris Expressing Pleasure

Jeany               : Hello I’m Jeany, Is it Kimberly? 
Kimberly         : Yes, I’m Kimberly. What’s up Jeany? 
Jean                 : I have to say thanks abundance to you. 
Jeany               : For what? 
Kimberly         : It is about the gift that you gave to me at my birthday. It is really wonderful. I am very pleased with it. 
Jeany               : Me too, Ann. I am very delighted to hear that. By the way, it is nice to talk with you, but I have to go now. 
Kimberly         : No problem. I will call you later. Bye. 
Jeany                           : Bye.  

 (Jimmy and Charly are pleased about their new course and teacher)
Jimmy : Charly, how do you feel at your new course in Excellence language Center?
Charly: I’m very happy. The class is bigger and more comfortable than before, the classmates are also kind and the teacher is professional. How about you Jim?
Jimmy : I am so excited. My new teacher is also more professional than before. He never comes late and able to explain better.
Charly : That’s great. Let’s celebrate it.
Jimmy: Ok, let’s go to the canteen.

Dialog Bahasa Inggris Expressing Displeasure
Anton : What do you feel about the public transport especially Bus in your town?
Nadia : I really angry it. The driver always smokes every time. I really hate smoke. And what about the public transportations in your town?
Anton : Most of them are better, but I am very annoyed with traffic jam  There are so many cars in my town. Almost everyone has more than one cars. It makes traffic jam. I’m fed up with the situation there, especially at the busy hours at 6 a.m. and at 5 p.m.
Nadia : Be patient Anton, you can move to my town in next two years and continue your study there.
Anton : Yes, it would be great.
Nadia : Sure.

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